Using OAuth to verify it the user is KYC-ed on Coinbase side


Is there a way to get information about the user’s KYC-ed? I like to write an app that can use Coinbase OAuth flow and verify if that user did KYC (ie. is a real human).

Thank you, Ladi

Hello @martincik ! Welcome to the forum! Regarding your query, OAuth2 integration will only have full or partial access to the customer’s account (wallets) and not with their personal information as well as KYC verification. As a regulated financial service company operating in numerous regions, Coinbase is periodically required to identify users on its platform. Per the Coinbase User Agreement, we require all customers to verify their identity in order to use our service, only collecting necessary information. Thus, Coinbase is the only one that has a right to verify our customer’s identity in order to continue using Coinbase.

We hope this helps, again, welcome to the forum!

Hi, thanks for the reply. Are all users required to finish KYC, before they can use Coinbase? Is there a possibility for someone to use your services (trial user) without doing KYC? Thank you, Ladislav

Hi @martincik! We’ve received your follow-up questions and we’re glad to help.

In this regard, we would like to confirm that yes, all users are required to finish the KYC process before they could utilize all of the features in their Coinbase accounts. Technically, as per the Coinbase User Agreement, users will need to register for a Coinbase account by providing their details, including their name, email address and a password and accepting the terms of the Agreement in order to start using the Coinbase Services. Users will need to complete certain verification procedures as well before they are permitted to start using the Coinbase Services and to access specific Coinbase Services, including certain transfers of Digital Currency, and the limits that apply to their use of the Coinbase Services may be altered as a result of information collected on an ongoing basis.

Hence, to answer your question “Is there a possibility for someone to use your services (trial user) without doing KYC?”, it could simply be said that even a “trial” user will still need to provide details upon signing-up. And once they are able to open a Coinbase account, this does not guarantee that they are already granted full access to all of Coinbase services and features. Non-compliance to the KYC process could place a flag in their accounts and this would directly impact the scope of Coinbase services they could utilize, as well as could result in limitations in the activities/transactions they could do with their accounts.

We hope we are able to provide clarity with your concerns. Thank you and have a great day!

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