ERC-721 Tokens sent to account

I mistakenly sent 20 (twenty) ERC-721 tokens from my Coinbase Wallet to my account. Due to the cryptocurrency “Not currently Supported by coinbase”, despite being sent from MY coinbase wallet, they are unwilling to help. I see the assets on the blockchain & the address is labeled in my account. Yet & still coinbase plays dumb or manipulates my issue. “Escalations” go unresponded or my favorite “If/When this cryptocurrency is supported by coinbase, youre account will be credited”. Been 5 months

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Hello @Niccbaymaac, Welcome to the forum community!

If you’ve transferred an unsupported cryptocurrency asset to your Coinbase account, those funds have historically been lost unless Coinbase later adds support for the asset.

Important: Coinbase does not evaluate whether unsupported assets are authentic, safe, or secure, and is not liable for any loss. Customers are responsible for doing their own research.

You have may a look at this help page article for Lost assets:

Please note that this forum is for the developers and users using Coinbase Cloud/API services. You may contact Coinbase Support here

We hope this helps. Thank you, have a great day!