Advanced Trade API Get product book (current best bid/ask)

do you plan to have a Advanced Trade API REST endpoint to get the current best bid/ask in a given product book?

i see we can use{product_id} to get the current price, but i still would like to get the current best bid/ask instead.

(before we could send request to{product_id}/book?level=1 documented at Get product book)

Thank you for your time’‘’’ (the new API looks awesome’¡! congratulations’¡)

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Also it seems necessary to support level 2 and 3 to the product api as well

Hello @analpaper! Welcome to the Coinbase Cloud Developer’s Forum! We understand that you want to utilize the REST endpoint to get the best bid/ask in a given product book like the Get Product Book endpoint you could use in Coinbase Exchange/Pro API product. However, it is currently not provided by our Advance Trade API. Therefore, we would like to recommend that you post this in the Feedback Section of the Forum as most new features and improvements to Coinbase come directly from feedback like yours, so it’s very valuable to us. Thank you so much!

Hi there @fivetentaylor! Welcome to the Coinbase Cloud Developer’s Forum! We understand that you want to utilize the support of Level 2 and 3 of Get Product Book. However, it is currently not provided by our Advance Trade API. Therefore, we would like to recommend that you post this in the Feedback Section of the Forum as most new features and improvements to Coinbase come directly from feedback like yours, so it’s very valuable to us. Thank you so much!

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Thank you @Faker, i just moved it to Share Feedback.