I ran your code to get the balances. You are awesome. Do you have any instagram or youtube that I can follow? You have been a serious big help.

I donā€™t have any social media. Iā€™ll probably set something up at some point though. Wouldnā€™t converting USD to USDC be the same as converting BTC to USD, so basically creating an order?

No, because you cannot trade USDC. it is not in advanced trading.

The only thing that I can see is there are USDT-USDC and USDT-USD markets, so you can technically convert USD to USDC by going USD to USDT to USDC, although that brings in an extra fee.

If you each of the trades from USDT-USD to USDT-USDC as a maker and your fees will be 0%.

Thatā€™s how I do it anytime I need to convert between USD and USDC programmatically.


New issue. hopefully I could still get your help.