How to subscribe user channel for order topic


I have already had several spot open orders but when I try to subscribe user channel, they’re not listed in the snapshot. Below is my subscription code:

jwt_token = jwt_generator.build_ws_jwt(api_key, api_secret)
                "type": "subscribe",
                "channel": "user",
                "product_ids" :["BTC-USDC"],
                "jwt": jwt_token,
                "timestamp": int(time.time())

And from the output, I got below (I’m absolutely sure I have some BTC-USDC orders)

{'channel': 'user', 'client_id': '', 'timestamp': '2024-02-29T08:40:49.271341169Z', 'sequence_num': 0, 'events': [{**'type': 'snapshot', 'orders': []**}]}

And if I place more orders, nothing will be pushed to wss; Am I subscribing it the wrong way? Thanks~