2023-08-16T11:03:33+00:00 INFO Coinbase Request Args for charges: Array
    [name] => MyProduct
    [description] => MyProduct
    [pricing_type] => fixed_price
    [local_price] => Array
            [amount] => 86.10
            [currency] => GBP

    [metadata] => Array
            [order_id] => 371
            [order_key] => wc_order_CBsXZHH9URjNR
            [source] => woocommerce

    [redirect_url] =>
    [cancel_url] =>

2023-08-16T11:03:33+00:00 INFO Unknown response from API: 403

Does anyone know what can be causing this error? It was working a few hours ago and now I keep getting this error.

Already tried changing the API credentials but did not work.

Hey @jorjeoliveira, Welcome to the Forum Community!

403 error generally means that the server could find the resource, but unable to grant access to the requested resource for some reason. Usually, it’s called “Forbidden access” error. A possibility for the error could be that the account or user for which APIs were generated was not authorized to request the resource. Hence, the server returned a 403 error.

Please refer here on how to integrate WooCommerce with Coinbase Commerce using the Coinbase Commerce plugin

We hope this helps. If the issue still persists, please do file a support ticket via this link.

Thank you and have a nice day!