Can't autheticate with JWT in PHP

I’m getting invalide key from debugger. Here is my code:

$keyName = ‘organizations/b2a5{redacted}38fff39’;
$keySecret = “-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----\nMHcC{redacted}gC82xck8\nS+g8kHtVR0YYxm1bcOaOPYdF6udsn9lPzA==\n-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----\n”;

$requestMethod = “GET”;
$requestHost = “”;
$requestPath = “/api/v3/brokerage/accounts”;

function buildJwt($uri, $keyName, $keySecret) {
$privateKeyResource = openssl_pkey_get_private($keySecret);
if (!$privateKeyResource) {
throw new Exception(‘Private key is not valid’);

$time = time();
$nonce = bin2hex(random_bytes(16));  // Generate a 32-character hexadecimal nonce

$jwtPayload = [
  'aud' => ["retail_rest_api_proxy"],
    'sub' => $keyName,
    'iss' => 'coinbase-cloud',
    'iat' => $time,
   'nbf' => $time,
    'exp' => $time + 120,  // Token valid for 120 seconds from now
    'uri' => $uri,

$headers = [
    'typ' => 'JWT',
    'alg' => 'ES256',
    'kid' => $keyName,  // Key ID header for JWT
    'nonce' => $nonce  // Nonce included in headers for added security

// Note: 'kid' is passed separately for compatibility with the library's method signature
$jwtToken = JWT::encode($jwtPayload, $privateKeyResource, 'ES256', $keyName, $headers);
return $jwtToken;


function main() {
global $requestMethod, $requestHost, $requestPath, $keyName, $keySecret;

$uri = "{$requestMethod} {$requestHost}{$requestPath}";
$jwtToken = buildJwt($uri, $keyName, $keySecret);
echo $jwtToken;


Is anyone here to solve this issue? PHP is one of the most used languages, and there are absolutely zero docs. Very frustrating to see a simple API token authentication being replaced by this mess for no reason.