Python issue <Response [401]> what am I doing wrong!?

I’m really new to this and it is probably obvious but I can’t see to figure out why this doesn’t work, i just get <Response [401]> key name and secret is confirmed many times:

import jwt
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
import time
import secrets
import requests

key_name       = "organizations/KEY/apiKeys/KEY"
key_secret     = "-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----*MYKEY*-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----\n"
request_method = "GET"
request_host   = ""
request_path   = "/api/v3/brokerage/accounts"
service_name   = "retail_rest_api_proxy"

def build_jwt(service, uri):
    private_key_bytes = key_secret.encode('utf-8')
    private_key = serialization.load_pem_private_key(private_key_bytes, password=None)
    jwt_payload = {
        'sub': key_name,
        'iss': "coinbase-cloud",
        'nbf': int(time.time()),
        'exp': int(time.time()) + 120,
        'aud': [service],
        'uri': uri,
    jwt_token = jwt.encode(
        headers={'kid': key_name, 'nonce': secrets.token_hex()},
    return jwt_token

def main():
    uri = f"{request_method} {request_host}{request_path}"
    jwt_token = build_jwt(service_name, uri)
    # Define the endpoint for account balance
    balance_url = ""
    # Define the headers with the JWT token
    headers = {
        "Authorization": f"Bearer {jwt_token}",
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
    # Send a GET request to retrieve account information
    response = requests.get(balance_url, headers=headers)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Cloud API Keys only work with Advanced Trade endpoints / can not be used with SIWC APIs!

Yeah ok I feel real silly now, thank you!

def main():
    conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
    uri = f"{request_method} {request_path}"
    jwt_token = build_jwt(service_name, uri)
    headers = {
        'Authorization': f'Bearer {jwt_token}',
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    conn.request("GET", request_path, '', headers)
    res = conn.getresponse()
    data =

Changed to this, still get “Unauthorized”

Your uri lost request_host… Just use their SDK!

Good call! Thanks! :smiley: