Invalid api key coinbase pro sandbox

i m using coinbase pro mode sandbox , i 'm trying to generate Api key …I enter the verification code …the secret key and api key are generated but when i use them to interact with coinbase pro api it keep saying invalid api key … i tried so many time and every time i copy the paraphrase n api_key, api_secret generated but this error is keep showing and i m enable to retrieve data
public function getWalletData($userData)
$baseUrl = Config::get(‘constantes.COINBASEPRO_API_BASE_URL’);

    $apikey = $userData['apiKey'];

    $apiPassphrase = $userData['apiPassphrase'];
    $apiSecret = $userData['apiSecret'];

    $timestamp = time();
    $method = 'GET';
    $requestPath = Config::get('constantes.COINBASEPRO_WALLET_REQUEST_PATH');
    $message = $timestamp.$method.$requestPath;
    $signature = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', $message, base64_decode($apiSecret), true));

    $response = Http::withHeaders([
        'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
        'CB-ACCESS-KEY' => $apikey,
        'CB-ACCESS-PASSPHRASE' => $apiPassphrase,
        'CB-ACCESS-SIGN' => $signature,
        'CB-ACCESS-TIMESTAMP' => $timestamp,
    return $response->json();

can someone help me ?

Same issue for me. Generated keys return 401 error. Are there separate keys for Coinbasepro and Coinbase?

Hi @nessworld98

Coinbase Pro is sunsetting this year as we move to bring Advanced Trading to our primary app. You can read our official announcement here:
Since Coinbase Pro is a separate product, with separate wallets, website, and app, customers have not been able to utilize some of our popular features. By migrating the Coinbase Pro functionality over to our primary app in the form of Advanced Trading, customers will be able to use features such as Staking, Borrow and the Dapp Marketplace from a single Coinbase account rather than having to transfer their funds back and forth to another app or website to do so. While we do not have a specific date when the Pro sunsetting will be complete, you will receive communication once the date is finalized.
To transfer funds between your Coinbase and Coinbase Pro account, follow the steps outlined here:
Once the process will be completed, you’ll still be able to generate an account report from the following link:

Is this some joke? This year?

This has been silently updated! It is already 2024!

Last change log entry for Advanced Trade is from July! Can Coinbase finally provide detailed answer about current state of Advanced Trade? Your linked post is from 2022…