WebSocket API User channel subscribing to a wrong portfolio

I have two portfolios under my account. For example,
“Default” with uuid: “abcdefg”
“MyPortfolio” with uuid: “1234567”

I subscribed the “user” channel via WebSocket API using “MyPortfolio” API Trading key.

However, if I see the subscription message, it shows that “user” channel is subscribed with “Default” portolio uuid. For example,

Subscriptions, msg:

'channel': 'subscriptions', 
'client_id': '', 'timestamp': '2024-03-26T05:02:37.629720434Z', 
'sequence_num': 4, 
'events': [{'subscriptions': {'user': ['abcdefg']}}]}

Again, the “user” field of the message has “Default” portfolio uuid, even if I subscribed with “MyPortfolio” API key.
As a result, (I think), I am not receiving any of the order update message for the orders submitted under “MyPortfolio”. Most critically, I don’t receive order fill message via “user” channel for “MyPortfolio” orders.

Does anyone experience the same issue?
And how can I resolve this issue?

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