Randomly getting 401 Unauthorized errors


I am randomly getting back 401 Unauthorized errors from both the /candles and /ticker endpoints.

I saw randomly because my program will hit an endpoint, like for example:
GET https://api.coinbase.com/api/v3/brokerage/products/ASM-USD/ticker?limit=1

and it will work properly and then a few minutes later it will error out: 401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

This a happening for all several other tickers.

My request to the candles endpoint is like following:
GET https://api.coinbase.com/api/v3/brokerage/products/QNT-USD/candles?granularity=ONE_MINUTE&start=1708561615&end=1708579615

NOTE: My program has been running correctly just last night and this issue has started happening only a few hours ago. I didn’t have any changes to my code.

Are you using Legacy API key or Cloud API key? That might be relevant…

@muktupavels not sure. But it started working again after a few hours so it must have been a different issue. Regardless I’m all set now.
