Did Move Portfolio Funds endpoint stopped working?

Can anyone else check/verify? Move Portfolio Funds endpoint stopped working for me. POST request succeeds but no funds are moved.

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I noticed it not working as well.
Or at least I don’t think it worked how I expected it to.

It returned 200 success and the source and target portfolio UUIDs in the response body, and I’m not sure exactly which field I’d expect to see the moved funds in, but they were all zero, and trying to move the funds back failed with ‘insufficient funds’.

Is it a permissions error relating to using old style API keys I wonder? related to "New style" API keys? ?


This is same when it worked correctly.

I am using new Cloud API keys. Also I think old / legacy keys should not work with portfolio endpoints at all:

Hi @muktupavels,
Thank you for reporting, the team has been made aware of this.

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Hi @muktupavels, This is fixed. The endpoint now works as expected. Thank you.

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