Creating Market Order throws unauthorized error using Coinbase cloud keys, but able to retrieve account information

Hi guys, I tried to authenticate the Coin Base Cloud keys, it worked and I ws able to fetch my account information, but when I tried to open a market order with it. I get Unauthorize error.

Drew my perspective from the below link:

And yes, please ignore the keys, they are not valid.

Please what am I doing wrongly?

Based on the documentation, I have this class method that generates a bearer token.

        console.log(`Generate toke route ${requestType} ${route}`);

        const key_name = 'organizations/12070edc/apiKeys/0d21d4e7835';
        const key_secret = '-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----\GCCqGSM49/OC\nRYxxHkK/lwUZxL4baW+uwI0p2LPvxzbIGA==\n-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----\n';
        const request_method = `${requestType}`;
        const url = '';
        const request_path = `/api/v3/${route}`;
        const service_name = "retail_rest_api_proxy"

        const algorithm = 'ES256';

        let uri;

        if(requestType == "GET"){
          uri =  request_method + ' ' + url + request_path;
           uri =  request_method + JSON.stringify(data) + url + request_path;


        const token = sign(
                aud: [service_name],
                iss: 'coinbase-cloud',
                nbf: Math.floor( / 1000),
                exp: Math.floor( / 1000) + 120,
                sub: key_name,
                header: {
                    kid: key_name,
                    nonce: crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex'),
        console.log('export JWT=' + token);

        return token;

When the token is generated I then call this function, please what am I doing wrongly.

        try {
            let { route, data, requestType } = payload;

            console.log({ payload });

            let token = await this.generateBearerToken(requestType, route, data);

            if (requestType == "GET") {
                let request = await axios.get(`${route}`, {
                    headers: {
                        Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`

                let resp =;

                return resp;
            } else {
                let request = await`${route}`, data, {
                    headers: {
                        Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`

                let resp =;

                return resp;
        } catch (error) {

What is JSON.stringify(data) in uri? Looks wrong…

I have tried it without that and with that, what is the best solution?

There should be space after request method. If you just removed that part then it might be why it did not work! Otherwise I don’t see anything else wrong in code you posted.

Thanks for taking time to respond, I did that still no luck, how do you differentiate a POST request URI from a GET request using the Coinbase Cloud keys please?

You told that authentication worked for you, did it? For JWT generation only difference is request method. If you want to create/post order you need to generate jwt for:


To list orders:


Yes, I was able to view all my wallet details with the GET request endpoint, but creating order do not seem to work for me.

If you are still having authorization error after fixing uri, maybe you have not enabled trade permission? Otherwise I have nothing more to add…

Thanks for your help, would find a way around it. In the meantime, I would like to ask if it;s possible to create an OCO order on COINBASE through the API?
Like Open a spot order, then open a take profit and stop loss for that same order?