Missing information in Transaction response for account


I am using ‘Sign in with coinbase’ API to get transactions of LTC wallet account. I get response, but the problem is that it’s missing important information.

Example how I use to get transactions:

coinbase.getAccount('6f3e982c-7db7-5232-a11c-dbe8630f', function(error, account) {
            account.getTransactions(null, function(error, txs) {

I sent 0.1 LTC from binance to coinbase address, when I fetch transactions I see that specific transaction, but response is missing information about addresses: what is address that sent and received 0.1 LTC.

What I’m trying to do: I’m building an application where each user will have his own address in coinbase (unique identifier is label on crypto address) and he can send crypto to this address. So I need to fetch transaction information in order to sync address balance with my database and also show him real time information that he deposited successfully to ‘his’ coinbase address which was generated by my code.

transaction response:
P.S As you can see, there is no information which address received LTC.

id: '68d34cae-32d1-50a5-82bc-a793ce67213c',
  type: 'send',
  status: 'completed',
  amount: { amount: '0.00900000', currency: 'LTC' },
  native_amount: { amount: '0.59', currency: 'USD' },
  description: null,
  created_at: '2022-12-25T19:19:47Z',
  updated_at: '2022-12-25T19:19:47Z',
  resource: 'transaction',
  resource_path: '/v2/accounts/6f3e982c-7db7-5232-a11c-dbe8630fa9dd/transactions/68d34cae-32d1-50a5-82bc-a793ce67213c',
  instant_exchange: false,
  network: {
    status: 'unconfirmed',
    status_description: 'Pending (est. about 30 minutes)',
    hash: '73cbdcbe62dd121d3413eb6a92154522cb6908661e036e87fcda66ec28114e0b',
    transaction_url: 'https://live.blockcypher.com/ltc/tx/73cbdcbe62dd121d3413eb6a92154522cb6908661e036e87fcda66ec28114e0b'
  from: { resource: 'litecoin_network', currency: 'LTC' },
  details: {
    title: 'Received Litecoin',
    subtitle: 'From Litecoin address',
    header: 'Received 0.0090 LTC ($0.59)',
    health: 'positive'
  hide_native_amount: false,
  account: Base {
    client: Base {
      baseApiUri: 'https://api.coinbase.com/v2/',
      tokenUri: 'https://api.coinbase.com/oauth/token',
      caFile: [Array],
      strictSSL: false,
      timeout: 5000,
      apiKey: 'y',
      version: '2022-11-16'
    id: '6f3e982c-7db7-5232-a11c-dbe8630fa9dd',
    name: 'LTC Wallet',
    primary: true,
    type: 'wallet',
    currency: {
      code: 'LTC',
      name: 'Litecoin',
      color: '#A6A9AA',
      sort_index: 104,
      exponent: 8,
      type: 'crypto',
      address_regex: '^((L|M)[a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{25,34})|^(ltc1([qpzry9x8gf2tvdw0s3jn54khce6mua7l]{39}|[qpzry9x8gf2tvdw0s3jn54khce6mua7l]{59}))$',
      asset_id: 'c9c24c6e-c045-5fde-98a2-00ea7f520437',
      slug: 'litecoin'
    balance: { amount: '0.15364125', currency: 'LTC' },
    created_at: '2022-11-19T21:17:49Z',
    updated_at: '2022-12-26T05:21:38Z',
    resource: 'account',
    resource_path: '/v2/accounts/6f3e982c-7db7-5232-a11c-dbe8630fa9dd',
    allow_deposits: true,
    allow_withdrawals: true

Welcome to Coinbase Developer Forum, @Magahaka! We can see here that your API Key and API secret is included in your sample response, because of this, we are requesting you to remove your post and post a new one removing the sensitive information such as your API credentials for security reasons. In the future, we encourage you not to include your API credentials when posting in the forum to secure your Coinbase account.

Moreover, we’ve received your concern about missing addresses in the transaction lists and we’re already looking into it. Rest assured that we are now working with the teams to ensure this is addressed accurately for you. We will get back to you once we have more information. Keep in touch!

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Totally forgot about api key. I deleted it, just in case someone got it (disabled it in profile).

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Hi @Magahaka! Apologies for the delay in our response as we confirm this to our relevant team. Unfortunately, we don’t provide this data on the API. We don’t save the sender wallets on our end. You should be able to use the network.hash to cross reference with your onchain hash to get the wallet address.

We hope this helps! Please do not hesitate to reach out back to us if you have further questions.

Thank you!