Identifying View-Only products in the /products endpoint for the current user

Just need some clarification on the data returned for products and if this is something that is planned to be added. Knowing if a product is in View-Only mode due to a user’s location with the API is useful. That means I can skip them and not submit orders for things I can’t trade (right now it returns 500 error if I do).

  • What is the difference between is_disabled and trading_disabled?

  • There is a watched key that seems to be working for watched products. I assume the logic for looking into a user’s account is already built in.

  • There are cancel_only, post_only, limit_onlykeys. Maybe add a new view_only key?

  • This is a working feature on the /accounts endpoint in the Coinbase PRO API returned in the trading_enabled key.


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Hello @Rainner! Welcome to the Coinbase Cloud Developer’s Forum!

For the details regarding your concern, we will check on this for you with our team. We will get back to you once we have more information. Keep in touch!


Hi @Rainner! After consulting the team with your concern, we listed your inquiries and provided a response for each to be able to assist you further:

  • Is_disabled denotes that the region is restricted while trading_disabled denotes what action is disabled (trading disabled).
  • Watched key and logic for looking into user accounts both don’t exist in action however, we may be able to expect it in the future as the team is hard at work to provide our customers quality of life developments.
  • As of the moment, Coinbase does not offer a view_only feature yet. Therefore we would like to recommend that you post this in the Feedback Section of the Forum as most new features and improvements to Coinbase come directly from feedback like yours, so it’s very valuable to us.

We hope we were able to provide guidance and answers to your concerns. Please do not hesitate to reply to this thread if you have any other inquiries in mind. Thank you!

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Thanks for looking into it and posting back.

So, the is_disabled key is the one I’m looking for then, which is to let me know which products are in View-Only mode due to user region restriction.

Right now they are all set to false, even for the restricted ones. Based on what you posted about the watched key I assume they haven’t implemented the user logic for that either, or is there a specific permission I need to enable for that?

I only asked about the watched key because it turned to true after I added the product to the watch list by clicking on the star, as you can see in the images I posted, but now it’s back to false, weird. I guess I’ll wait it out and let them work on it.


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Hey @Faker. Do you know if this feature is supposed to be working yet?

Both /products and /products/{product_id} are returning is_disabled as false for products that are region restricted for me still.

Here’s an example of a product that is view only:

  "product_id": "RAD-USD",
  "price": "1.68",
  "price_percentage_change_24h": "10.52631578947368",
  "volume_24h": "1379898.44",
  "volume_percentage_change_24h": "489.64223174645227",
  "base_increment": "0.01",
  "quote_increment": "0.01",
  "quote_min_size": "1",
  "quote_max_size": "10000000",
  "base_min_size": "0.7",
  "base_max_size": "47000",
  "base_name": "Radicle",
  "quote_name": "US Dollar",
  "watched": false,
  "is_disabled": false,
  "new": false,
  "status": "online",
  "cancel_only": false,
  "limit_only": false,
  "post_only": false,
  "trading_disabled": false,
  "auction_mode": false,
  "product_type": "SPOT",
  "quote_currency_id": "USD",
  "base_currency_id": "RAD",
  "fcm_trading_session_details": null,
  "mid_market_price": ""

And here is the response for placing a limit order for this product:

  "side": "BUY",
  "product_id": "RAD-USD",
  "client_order_id": "3f14b7b4-a8ad-4bd6-8883-b16ff4b0951f",
  "order_configuration": {
    "limit_limit_gtc": {
      "base_size": "1",
      "limit_price": "1.5",
      "post_only": true
  "error": "INTERNAL",
  "error_details": "internal error",
  "message": "internal error"

Right now I’m getting around this by using my old API keys for Coinbase PRO and building a list of tradable products from there and importing it into my app.

Not asking for anything new to be added. They already added the is_disabled key to the response object, just need to know when I can expect this to be working.


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Hello @Rainner! Thank you so much for patiently waiting while we look into this.

The Advanced Trade API is still in its early stage and there might still be some bugs or endpoints that are not working as expected. Rest assured that our team is aware of this and currently working on it to get those bugs and endpoints to work as expected.

We appreciate your understanding. Have a nice day!


Any updates on this?

I see that a view_only key was added to the products response object, but it currently returns false for all products. I’m in NY/US and there are over 100 products listed as “View Only”. Feels like this should be a working feature by now. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.

