Complete flow from react redux app with node.js back needed

Thanks for your prompt response.

I already did a payment button as described here >
Adding a Payment Button

But it is not what I’m looking for because it doesn’t allow me to input amounts in a dynamic way (with the total displayed on cart)

I understand that you are unable to provide guidance on how to write code in specific programming languages and frameworks, and cannot assist further on this request.

But maybe someone in this forum already wrote code for generating a charge from a cart in the front and later creating the flow to wait for cart payment in the back, probably using webhooks in order to provide this feature to allow coinbase payments on our site.

The other question is if there is a sandbox to test payments (on test networks) to pre test our implementation of coinbase API before going into production.

I look forward to hearing from you or someone else in this regard,

Best regards,
