Coinbase Pro API Delayed Sending Crypto


I have been transferring crypto from coinbase pro to my wallets on different exchanges using api with a python script I have coded for about 2 months, I have been having a delayed problem for the last 2 weeks, what is the problem?

Hi @ingaboren , thank you so much for participating in the Coinbase Cloud forum. We recommend that you first try the solution provided in our help center. If you are still experiencing the same issue after a while, reply back on this thread and tell us the API endpoint that you are using so that our team could investigate further. Thank you!

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I looked for the solution, but my own account wasn’t having a problem until 2 weeks ago, what exactly is the reason?

I would be very grateful if you could help thx

api_url=“”) is this still valid?

The python scripts I use

import cbpro , re 
import concurrent.futures
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style

##x = pyfiglet.figlet_format("Coin Base")

x = (r"""


print(Fore.RED + x)

b64secret = input("[+] B64secret: ")
passphrase = input("[+] Passphrase: ")
key = input("[+] Key: ")

auth_client = cbpro.AuthenticatedClient(key, b64secret, passphrase,
print('\n[1] BTC\n[2] ETH\n[3] LTC\n[4] Custom\n')
currency = input("[+] Currency:")
    coin = 'BTC'
    coin = 'ETH'
    coin = 'LTC'  
    coin = input("Type the abbreviation of the coin you want to send: ")

amount = input("[+] Amount(0.10 or 1.0): ")
crypto_address = input("[+] Crypto address: ")
max_workers = input("[+] Threads: ")

def withdraw(range):
    xd = auth_client.crypto_withdraw(float(amount), coin, crypto_address)

while True:
    executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=int(max_workers))
    for result in, range(20)):
         print(Fore.GREEN + "[+] Waiting...")
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Hello @ingaboren, thank you for sharing the script with us. The API URL you are using is correct, and I do not see any issues with the script. There may be something else related to your account (rather than with your script) that is causing the delayed transactions. To help us investigate this further, can you file a support case with us so we can investigate further?

Thank you.


I’ve already done this before, but an automatic message is sent, no one was interested, so I opened a topic here.

Hi @ingaboren - I’m sorry to hear that!

Unfortunately we don’t have access to your account details via the forum. As we don’t see an issue with your script and suspect that there may be an account related issue instead, the only way for us to troubleshoot further is with a case logged via our Contact form. If you can create a new case and share the case number with me, I’ll follow up on the case and ensure that you get a response