API Rate Limits

We wanted to check if there are any Enterprise plans on API Rate limits. We are going to use OAuth2 as authorization. Please advise on all available plans for API rate limits.

Are the API calls limited based on CLient ID or User code or API calls?

Thank You in advance.

Hello @nydeepak1! Thank you for your enthusiasm in trying out Coinbase APIs. First, we would like to inform you that we moved this forum post to Sign in With Coinbase category as this best fits the category with regard to using an OAuth2 app for integration.

Regarding your concern, unfortunately, Coinbase doesn’t offer any Enterprise plans for Sign in with Coinbase API Rate limits. Coinbase API is rate limited to prevent abuse that would degrade our ability to maintain consistent API performance for all users. By default, each API key or app is rate limited at 10,000 requests per hour. You may read SIWC Rate Limits here.

Furthermore, we would like to confirm that, API calls or endpoints are throttled by IP at 10 requests per second. Thus, when utilizing the OAuth2 protocol to allow a Coinbase user to grant a 3rd party application full or partial access to his/her account will be bound by the rate limit of 10 requests per second (throttled by IP).

We hope this helps. Have a great day!


If I have 100 users connected to my application via Oauth, is that 10,000 requests per hour shared across all users, rather than per user?
It seems like if that was the case, I would technically only be able to accommodate 100 requests per hour per user.

Thank you

Welcome to Coinbase Developer Forum, @stevenb2! To answer your question, “If I have 100 users connected to my application via Oauth, is that 10,000 requests per hour shared across all users, rather than per user?” The answer is YES , each API key or app is rate limited at 10,000 requests per hour . So if you have 100 users, you will be able to accommodate 100 requests per hour per user. Once your requests are being limited, a HTTP response code 429 will be returned with a rate_limit_exceeded error.

As mentioned by @Lioness, allowing a Coinbase user to grant a 3rd party application full or partial access to his/her account will be bound by the rate limit of 10 requests per second (throttled by IP).

We hope this is helpful. If you have further questions or clarifications, please do not hesitate to reach out back to us.

Thank you and have a great day!

A post was split to a new topic: Websocket feed for getting holdings and transaction details