About API key permissions query endpoint

My suggestions is to add an API endpoint to query allowed API keys permissions.

For example:

  • “Coinbase Sign-in” API “get_auth_info” method returns a “Scopes” supported to the current API key.
  • Binance end point “get_account_api_permissions”
    … and so on.

Thanks in advance.


I need this too!

Querying the endpoint users/self, we get a response field named ‘permissions’; but that appears to be about what the user is allowed to do on the exchange and nothing to do with API Key itself.

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Thanks for response … I have search along all Coinbase PRO API Docs and that end point is not at official Docs.

Some end points like “Coinbase Sing-in API convert” are not listed at official Docs.

Please publish in this post all secrets end points that yout known, I think it will be solve many headaches for many people that can not implent some funtioons due to some missing features :slight_smile: .

Thanks a lot again for this answer.


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Hi @aammand
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with feedback!
We’ve logged your feedback about suggestion to add an API endpoint to query allowed API keys permissions with our internal teams so we can continue improving our user experience. Most new features and improvements to our products come directly from feedback like yours, so it’s very valuable to us. While we can’t offer any specific timeline for adding features, we are constantly working to build products our customers will love.
If you want to stay up to date on the latest from Coinbase Cloud, you can also bookmark the following webpage and subscribe to email updates at the bottom of the page: https://www.coinbase.com/cloud/discover. We hope this is helpful, and please let us know if you have any other questions.